The location and search-and-rescue after aviation accident is closely related to the survival of the people on the aircraft and it should be considered in the development of the civil aircraft design. As the search-and-rescue equipment on the civil aircraft, the fixed emergency locator transmitter (ELT) can be triggered by the auto and manual ways when the aircraft has an accident, and then the ELT can transmit the search-and-rescue signals on the fixed frequencies. Thus the search-and-rescue is organized. Firstly, a design project of the fixed ELT is proposed, including the system function definition and system equipment analyzing. Then the system performance requirements of the fixed ELT are proposed. Finally, the system design requirements and system function validation process are expatiated.
郭磊,陈实,涂喜梅.民用飞机固定式应急定位发射系统设计[J].民用飞机设计与研 究,2019(4):70-74GUO Lei, CHEN Shi, TU Ximei.[J]. Civil Aircraft Design and Research,2019,(4):70-74. ( in Chinese)